7. Netscape/Microsoft Extensions to HTML
Netscape and Microsoft have introduced their own special
HTML extensions. some of these extensions were discussed
eleswhere in this collection -- in particular when they
involved new attributes to already existing elements.
The following are more fundamental changes.
In most cases, these new attributes are unlikely to
become part of "official" HTML, so you should be cautious
in their use.
7.1 Netscape/MS Elements List
The following are the newer Netscape/Microsoft Elements:
- CENTER - Centered blocks
- FONT - Change font size/properties
- BASEFONT - Set default font
- APPLET - Embedded Java Applets
(Netscape 2.0+ only)
- MARQUEE - Scrolling Text Marquee
(Microsoft 2.0+ only)
- MAP - Client-side Imagemap
- FRAME - FRAME documents
(Netscape 2.0+ only)
- SCRIPT - Document scripting program
(Netscape 2.0+ only)
© Ian Graham 1994-1995
Page Last Updated: 4
December 1995